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Giallo is the color of the Ceramica Vogue porcelain stoneware series Interni in this case in the 20x20 cm format with thickness 7 mm and finish Matte. The Interni collection is available in different colors and formats and can be configured according to your needs. Onetile offers only first choice porcelain products.

  • Color
  • Format
    20x20 cm
  • Depth
    7 mm
  • Surface
Discover the series
4/4 Configuration
Case History

1. Choose Color and style

Decor and mosaic
Trim Tiles
Bisello ArgentoBisello Argento
Bisello GhiaccioBisello Ghiaccio
Bisello GranataBisello Granata
Bisello GrigioBisello Grigio
Bisello MalachiteBisello Malachite
Bisello NeroBisello Nero
Bisello RosaBisello Rosa
Bisello SetaBisello Seta
Bisello TortoraBisello Tortora
Bisello TurcheseBisello Turchese
Blu AvioBlu Avio
Ghiaccio MateriaGhiaccio Materia
Grigio MateriaGrigio Materia
Nero MateriaNero Materia
Seta MateriaSeta Materia
Argento Rete 10x10Argento Rete 10x10
Argento Rete 10x10x14Argento Rete 10x10x14
Argento Rete 5x20Argento Rete 5x20
Argento Rete 5x40Argento Rete 5x40
Argento Rete 5x5Argento Rete 5x5
Azzurro Rete 10x10Azzurro Rete 10x10
Azzurro Rete 10x10x14Azzurro Rete 10x10x14
Azzurro Rete 5x20Azzurro Rete 5x20
Azzurro Rete 5x40Azzurro Rete 5x40
Azzurro Rete 5x5Azzurro Rete 5x5
Beige Rete 10x10Beige Rete 10x10
Beige Rete 10x10x14Beige Rete 10x10x14
Beige Rete 5x20Beige Rete 5x20
Beige Rete 5x40Beige Rete 5x40
Beige Rete 5x5Beige Rete 5x5
Blu Avio Rete 10x10Blu Avio Rete 10x10
Blu Avio Rete 10x10x14Blu Avio Rete 10x10x14
Blu Avio Rete 5x20Blu Avio Rete 5x20
Blu Avio Rete 5x40Blu Avio Rete 5x40
Blu Avio Rete 5x5Blu Avio Rete 5x5
Caffe' Rete 10x10Caffe' Rete 10x10
Caffe' Rete 10x10x14Caffe' Rete 10x10x14
Caffe' Rete 5x20Caffe' Rete 5x20
Caffe' Rete 5x40Caffe' Rete 5x40
Caffe' Rete 5x5Caffe' Rete 5x5
Cedro Rete 10x10Cedro Rete 10x10
Cedro Rete 10x10x14Cedro Rete 10x10x14
Cedro Rete 5x20Cedro Rete 5x20
Cedro Rete 5x40Cedro Rete 5x40
Cedro Rete 5x5Cedro Rete 5x5
Ceruleo Rete 10x10Ceruleo Rete 10x10
Ceruleo Rete 10x10x14Ceruleo Rete 10x10x14
Ceruleo Rete 5x20Ceruleo Rete 5x20
Ceruleo Rete 5x40Ceruleo Rete 5x40
Ceruleo Rete 5x5Ceruleo Rete 5x5
Cielo Rete 10x10Cielo Rete 10x10
Cielo Rete 10x10x14Cielo Rete 10x10x14
Cielo Rete 5x20Cielo Rete 5x20
Cielo Rete 5x40Cielo Rete 5x40
Cielo Rete 5x5Cielo Rete 5x5
Cipria Rete 10x10Cipria Rete 10x10
Cipria Rete 10x10x14Cipria Rete 10x10x14
Cipria Rete 5x20Cipria Rete 5x20
Cipria Rete 5x40Cipria Rete 5x40
Cipria Rete 5x5Cipria Rete 5x5
Cobalto Rete 10x10Cobalto Rete 10x10
Cobalto Rete 10x10x14Cobalto Rete 10x10x14
Cobalto Rete 5x20Cobalto Rete 5x20
Cobalto Rete 5x40Cobalto Rete 5x40
Cobalto Rete 5x5Cobalto Rete 5x5
Ferro Rete 10x10Ferro Rete 10x10
Ferro Rete 10x10x14Ferro Rete 10x10x14
Ferro Rete 5x20Ferro Rete 5x20
Ferro Rete 5x40Ferro Rete 5x40
Ferro Rete 5x5Ferro Rete 5x5
Ghiaccio Rete 10x10Ghiaccio Rete 10x10
Ghiaccio Rete 10x10x14Ghiaccio Rete 10x10x14
Ghiaccio Rete 5x20Ghiaccio Rete 5x20
Ghiaccio Rete 5x40Ghiaccio Rete 5x40
Ghiaccio Rete 5x5Ghiaccio Rete 5x5
Giada Rete 10x10Giada Rete 10x10
Giada Rete 10x10x14Giada Rete 10x10x14
Giada Rete 5x20Giada Rete 5x20
Giada Rete 5x40Giada Rete 5x40
Giada Rete 5x5Giada Rete 5x5
Giallo Rete 10x10Giallo Rete 10x10
Giallo Rete 10x10x14Giallo Rete 10x10x14
Giallo Rete 5x20Giallo Rete 5x20
Giallo Rete 5x40Giallo Rete 5x40
Giallo Rete 5x5Giallo Rete 5x5
Granata Rete 10x10Granata Rete 10x10
Granata Rete 10x10x14Granata Rete 10x10x14
Granata Rete 5x20Granata Rete 5x20
Granata Rete 5x40Granata Rete 5x40
Granata Rete 5x5Granata Rete 5x5
Grigio Rete 10x10Grigio Rete 10x10
Grigio Rete 10x10x14Grigio Rete 10x10x14
Grigio Rete 5x20Grigio Rete 5x20
Grigio Rete 5x40Grigio Rete 5x40
Grigio Rete 5x5Grigio Rete 5x5
Laguna Rete 10x10Laguna Rete 10x10
Laguna Rete 10x10x14Laguna Rete 10x10x14
Laguna Rete 5x20Laguna Rete 5x20
Laguna Rete 5x40Laguna Rete 5x40
Laguna Rete 5x5Laguna Rete 5x5
Latte Rete 10x10Latte Rete 10x10
Latte Rete 10x10x14Latte Rete 10x10x14
Latte Rete 5x20Latte Rete 5x20
Latte Rete 5x40Latte Rete 5x40
Latte Rete 5x5Latte Rete 5x5
Lavanda Rete 10x10Lavanda Rete 10x10
Lavanda Rete 10x10x14Lavanda Rete 10x10x14
Lavanda Rete 5x20Lavanda Rete 5x20
Lavanda Rete 5x40Lavanda Rete 5x40
Lavanda Rete 5x5Lavanda Rete 5x5
Lilla Rete 10x10Lilla Rete 10x10
Lilla Rete 10x10x14Lilla Rete 10x10x14
Lilla Rete 5x20Lilla Rete 5x20
Lilla Rete 5x40Lilla Rete 5x40
Lilla Rete 5x5Lilla Rete 5x5
Malachite Rete 10x10Malachite Rete 10x10
Malachite Rete 10x10x14Malachite Rete 10x10x14
Malachite Rete 5x20Malachite Rete 5x20
Malachite Rete 5x40Malachite Rete 5x40
Malachite Rete 5x5Malachite Rete 5x5
Mandarino Rete 10x10Mandarino Rete 10x10
Mandarino Rete 10x10x14Mandarino Rete 10x10x14
Mandarino Rete 5x20Mandarino Rete 5x20
Mandarino Rete 5x40Mandarino Rete 5x40
Mandarino Rete 5x5Mandarino Rete 5x5
Mastice Rete 10x10Mastice Rete 10x10
Mastice Rete 10x10x14Mastice Rete 10x10x14
Mastice Rete 5x20Mastice Rete 5x20
Mastice Rete 5x40Mastice Rete 5x40
Mastice Rete 5x5Mastice Rete 5x5
Mattone Rete 10x10Mattone Rete 10x10
Mattone Rete 10x10x14Mattone Rete 10x10x14
Mattone Rete 5x20Mattone Rete 5x20
Mattone Rete 5x40Mattone Rete 5x40
Mattone Rete 5x5Mattone Rete 5x5
Nero Rete 10x10Nero Rete 10x10
Nero Rete 10x10x14Nero Rete 10x10x14
Nero Rete 5x20Nero Rete 5x20
Nero Rete 5x40Nero Rete 5x40
Nero Rete 5x5Nero Rete 5x5
Perla Rete 10x10Perla Rete 10x10
Perla Rete 10x10x14Perla Rete 10x10x14
Perla Rete 5x20Perla Rete 5x20
Perla Rete 5x40Perla Rete 5x40
Perla Rete 5x5Perla Rete 5x5
Petrolio Rete 10x10Petrolio Rete 10x10
Petrolio Rete 10x10x14Petrolio Rete 10x10x14
Petrolio Rete 5x20Petrolio Rete 5x20
Petrolio Rete 5x40Petrolio Rete 5x40
Petrolio Rete 5x5Petrolio Rete 5x5
Pistacchio Rete 10x10Pistacchio Rete 10x10
Pistacchio Rete 10x10x14Pistacchio Rete 10x10x14
Pistacchio Rete 5x20Pistacchio Rete 5x20
Pistacchio Rete 5x40Pistacchio Rete 5x40
Pistacchio Rete 5x5Pistacchio Rete 5x5
Rosa Rete 10x10Rosa Rete 10x10
Rosa Rete 10x10x14Rosa Rete 10x10x14
Rosa Rete 5x20Rosa Rete 5x20
Rosa Rete 5x40Rosa Rete 5x40
Rosa Rete 5x5Rosa Rete 5x5
Rosso Rete 10x10Rosso Rete 10x10
Rosso Rete 10x10x14Rosso Rete 10x10x14
Rosso Rete 5x20Rosso Rete 5x20
Rosso Rete 5x40Rosso Rete 5x40
Rosso Rete 5x5Rosso Rete 5x5
Senape Rete 10x10Senape Rete 10x10
Senape Rete 10x10x14Senape Rete 10x10x14
Senape Rete 5x20Senape Rete 5x20
Senape Rete 5x40Senape Rete 5x40
Senape Rete 5x5Senape Rete 5x5
Seta Rete 10x10Seta Rete 10x10
Seta Rete 10x10x14Seta Rete 10x10x14
Seta Rete 5x20Seta Rete 5x20
Seta Rete 5x40Seta Rete 5x40
Seta Rete 5x5Seta Rete 5x5
Tortora Rete 10x10Tortora Rete 10x10
Tortora Rete 10x10x14Tortora Rete 10x10x14
Tortora Rete 5x20Tortora Rete 5x20
Tortora Rete 5x40Tortora Rete 5x40
Tortora Rete 5x5Tortora Rete 5x5
Turchese Rete 10x10Turchese Rete 10x10
Turchese Rete 10x10x14Turchese Rete 10x10x14
Turchese Rete 5x20Turchese Rete 5x20
Turchese Rete 5x40Turchese Rete 5x40
Turchese Rete 5x5Turchese Rete 5x5
Art. I ArgentoArt. I Argento
Art. I AzzurroArt. I Azzurro
Art. I BeigeArt. I Beige
Art. I Blu AvioArt. I Blu Avio
Art. I Caffe'Art. I Caffe'
Art. I CedroArt. I Cedro
Art. I CeruleoArt. I Ceruleo
Art. I CieloArt. I Cielo
Art. I CipriaArt. I Cipria
Art. I CobaltoArt. I Cobalto
Art. I FerroArt. I Ferro
Art. I GhiaccioArt. I Ghiaccio
Art. I GiadaArt. I Giada
Art. I GialloArt. I Giallo
Art. I GranataArt. I Granata
Art. I GrigioArt. I Grigio
Art. I LagunaArt. I Laguna
Art. I LatteArt. I Latte
Art. I LavandaArt. I Lavanda
Art. I LillaArt. I Lilla
Art. I MalachiteArt. I Malachite
Art. I MandarinoArt. I Mandarino
Art. I MasticeArt. I Mastice
Art. I MattoneArt. I Mattone
Art. I NeroArt. I Nero
Art. I PerlaArt. I Perla
Art. I PetrolioArt. I Petrolio
Art. I PistacchioArt. I Pistacchio
Art. I RosaArt. I Rosa
Art. I RossoArt. I Rosso
Art. I SenapeArt. I Senape
Art. I SetaArt. I Seta
Art. I TortoraArt. I Tortora
Art. I TurcheseArt. I Turchese
Art. U ArgentoArt. U Argento
Art. U AvioArt. U Avio
Art. U AzzurroArt. U Azzurro
Art. U BeigeArt. U Beige
Art. U Caffe'Art. U Caffe'
Art. U CedroArt. U Cedro
Art. U CeruleoArt. U Ceruleo
Art. U CieloArt. U Cielo
Art. U CipriaArt. U Cipria
Art. U CobaltoArt. U Cobalto
Art. U FerroArt. U Ferro
Art. U GhiaccioArt. U Ghiaccio
Art. U GiadaArt. U Giada
Art. U GialloArt. U Giallo
Art. U GranataArt. U Granata
Art. U GrigioArt. U Grigio
Art. U LagunaArt. U Laguna
Art. U LatteArt. U Latte
Art. U LavandaArt. U Lavanda
Art. U LillaArt. U Lilla
Art. U MalachiteArt. U Malachite
Art. U MandarinoArt. U Mandarino
Art. U MasticeArt. U Mastice
Art. U MattoneArt. U Mattone
Art. U NeroArt. U Nero
Art. U PerlaArt. U Perla
Art. U PetrolioArt. U Petrolio
Art. U PistacchioArt. U Pistacchio
Art. U RosaArt. U Rosa
Art. U RossoArt. U Rosso
Art. U SenapeArt. U Senape
Art. U SetaArt. U Seta
Art. U TortoraArt. U Tortora
Art. U TurcheseArt. U Turchese
Art. X ArgentoArt. X Argento
Art. X AzzurroArt. X Azzurro
Art. X BeigeArt. X Beige
Art. X Blu AvioArt. X Blu Avio
Art. X Caffe'Art. X Caffe'
Art. X CedroArt. X Cedro
Art. X CeruleoArt. X Ceruleo
Art. X CieloArt. X Cielo
Art. X CipriaArt. X Cipria
Art. X CobaltoArt. X Cobalto
Art. X FerroArt. X Ferro
Art. X GhiaccioArt. X Ghiaccio
Art. X GiadaArt. X Giada
Art. X GialloArt. X Giallo
Art. X GranataArt. X Granata
Art. X GrigioArt. X Grigio
Art. X LagunaArt. X Laguna
Art. X LatteArt. X Latte
Art. X LavandaArt. X Lavanda
Art. X LillaArt. X Lilla
Art. X MalachiteArt. X Malachite
Art. X MandarinoArt. X Mandarino
Art. X MasticeArt. X Mastice
Art. X MattoneArt. X Mattone
Art. X NeroArt. X Nero
Art. X PerlaArt. X Perla
Art. X PetrolioArt. X Petrolio
Art. X PistacchioArt. X Pistacchio
Art. X RosaArt. X Rosa
Art. X RossoArt. X Rosso
Art. X SenapeArt. X Senape
Art. X SetaArt. X Seta
Art. X TortoraArt. X Tortora
Art. X TurcheseArt. X Turchese
Art. Z ArgentoArt. Z Argento
Art. Z AvioArt. Z Avio
Art. Z AzzurroArt. Z Azzurro
Art. Z BeigeArt. Z Beige
Art. Z Caffe'Art. Z Caffe'
Art. Z CedroArt. Z Cedro
Art. Z CeruleoArt. Z Ceruleo
Art. Z CieloArt. Z Cielo
Art. Z CipriaArt. Z Cipria
Art. Z CobaltoArt. Z Cobalto
Art. Z FerroArt. Z Ferro
Art. Z GhiaccioArt. Z Ghiaccio
Art. Z GiadaArt. Z Giada
Art. Z GialloArt. Z Giallo
Art. Z GranataArt. Z Granata
Art. Z GrigioArt. Z Grigio
Art. Z LagunaArt. Z Laguna
Art. Z LatteArt. Z Latte
Art. Z LavandaArt. Z Lavanda
Art. Z LillaArt. Z Lilla
Art. Z MalachiteArt. Z Malachite
Art. Z MandarinoArt. Z Mandarino
Art. Z MasticeArt. Z Mastice
Art. Z MattoneArt. Z Mattone
Art. Z NeroArt. Z Nero
Art. Z PerlaArt. Z Perla
Art. Z PetrolioArt. Z Petrolio
Art. Z PistacchioArt. Z Pistacchio
Art. Z RosaArt. Z Rosa
Art. Z RossoArt. Z Rosso
Art. Z SenapeArt. Z Senape
Art. Z SetaArt. Z Seta
Art. Z TortoraArt. Z Tortora
Art. Z TurcheseArt. Z Turchese
Quadra ArgentoQuadra Argento
Quadra AzzurroQuadra Azzurro
Quadra BeigeQuadra Beige
Quadra Blu AvioQuadra Blu Avio
Quadra CaffeQuadra Caffe
Quadra CedroQuadra Cedro
Quadra CeruleoQuadra Ceruleo
Quadra CieloQuadra Cielo
Quadra CipriaQuadra Cipria
Quadra CobaltoQuadra Cobalto
Quadra FerroQuadra Ferro
Quadra GhiaccioQuadra Ghiaccio
Quadra GiadaQuadra Giada
Quadra GialloQuadra Giallo
Quadra GranataQuadra Granata
Quadra GrigioQuadra Grigio
Quadra LagunaQuadra Laguna
Quadra LatteQuadra Latte
Quadra LavandaQuadra Lavanda
Quadra LillaQuadra Lilla
Quadra MalachiteQuadra Malachite
Quadra MandarinoQuadra Mandarino
Quadra MasticeQuadra Mastice
Quadra MattoneQuadra Mattone
Quadra NeroQuadra Nero
Quadra PerlaQuadra Perla
Quadra PetrolioQuadra Petrolio
Quadra PistacchioQuadra Pistacchio
Quadra RosaQuadra Rosa
Quadra RossoQuadra Rosso
Quadra SenapeQuadra Senape
Quadra SetaQuadra Seta
Quadra TortoraQuadra Tortora
Quadra TurcheseQuadra Turchese
Stick ArgentoStick Argento
Stick AzzurroStick Azzurro
Stick BeigeStick Beige
Stick Blu AvioStick Blu Avio
Stick CaffeStick Caffe
Stick CedroStick Cedro
Stick CeruleoStick Ceruleo
Stick CieloStick Cielo
Stick CipriaStick Cipria
Stick CobaltoStick Cobalto
Stick FerroStick Ferro
Stick GhiaccioStick Ghiaccio
Stick GiadaStick Giada
Stick GialloStick Giallo
Stick GranataStick Granata
Stick GrigioStick Grigio
Stick LagunaStick Laguna
Stick LatteStick Latte
Stick LavandaStick Lavanda
Stick LillaStick Lilla
Stick MalachiteStick Malachite
Stick MandarinoStick Mandarino
Stick MasticeStick Mastice
Stick MattoneStick Mattone
Stick NeroStick Nero
Stick PerlaStick Perla
Stick PetrolioStick Petrolio
Stick PistacchioStick Pistacchio
Stick RosaStick Rosa
Stick RossoStick Rosso
Stick SenapeStick Senape
Stick SetaStick Seta
Stick TortoraStick Tortora
Stick TurcheseStick Turchese

2. Choose Format

5x205x20 cm
5x405x40 cm
10x1010x10 cm
10x2010x20 cm
20x2020x20 cm
20x4020x40 cm

3. Choose Depth / Surface

List price 1
Box 2
List price 150.40 €/MQAsk for discount
Depth7 mm
Box 235 pieces (1.4 m2 - 20 Kg)
Pallet72 boxes (100.8 m2 - 1440 Kg)
1. The price lists currently in force can change at any time until the order confirmation due to the continuous and high growth of the cost of raw materials, gas, transport
2. The units / pieces per box and the square meters in a product box are shown

4. Summary

Ceramica Vogue Interni Giallo 20x20 Matte
Ask for discount
PriceAsk for discount
ProductCeramica Vogue Interni
Color and styleGiallo
Format20x20 cm
7 mm
Shipment management all over the world

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Ceramica Vogue Interni

Porcelain Stoneware Ceramica Vogue Interni is ideal for:
  • Ceramica Vogue Interni is a porcelain stoneware floor
  • Ceramica Vogue Interni are tiles suitable for a floor for living areas
  • Ceramica Vogue Interni are tiles suitable for a bathroom floor
  • Ceramica Vogue Interni are tiles suitable for a kitchen floor

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